Wellness and prevention

The human body is daily exposed to the powerful influence of more and more pathogenic factors and a stressful lifestyle, loses vitality and, from the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, enters a state of “subhealth”. If untimely measures are taken, illness occurs and the body’s chances of maintaining quality of life and achieving longevity are reduced.

Regular support of the body and restoration of health before the onset of illness is a powerful and only correct defense of the body against diseases, maintains the necessary level of immunity and significantly increases the likelihood of high-quality and full longevity.

Traditional Chinese medicine has at all times occupied a leading position in the field of healing and prevention, health preservation, longevity and has a separate specialized area “Nutrition of Life and Longevity”. Currently, a significant number of centenarians are found in eastern countries, including China.

With the help of suitable treatment methods, highly qualified doctors of professional traditional medicine will diagnose, restore the balance of the body, detoxify it, restore and activate blood circulation, strengthen blood and lymphatic vessels, the nervous system and restore your strength and joy of life.

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